Mr. Fonty and I are off to his family's paradise in the mountains this weekend. I feel spoiled escaping the Athens heat for the second weekend in a row. I'm so looking forward to fishing with Mr. Fonty and our lure-fanatic dog. Being out on the lake is one of my favorite things to do together. It's just the two (er.. three) of us, and we can talk and laugh with no distractions (Bravo TV and iPhone games, anyone?). Mr. Fonty pretends not to be annoyed that I get my line caught in something ever 6 casts, and I try not to be jealous that his fish are always triple the size of mine. It seems many of our friends had the same idea and will be in Highlands too. I foresee a lot of wine drinking in my future - post fish massacre of course.
Mr. Fonty and Ryman have been in the mountains all week at Echo Mountain in Asheville, NC. Ponderosa is in the studio making their next album. Ryman has really taken to his role as studio dog: What are your weekend plans?
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